In today’s world mental health is as important as physical health. In this article we will be discussing about various mental disorders which current generation is tackling with.
Psychological or mental disorder is a condition which effects the or alters the way of thinking, behaviour and mood of an individual.
Based on the symptoms psychological disorder can be further categorised into many parts. Here in this you will get a brief idea about some of types of psychological disorders.
- Anxiety Disorder.
- Panic Disorder.
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
- Phobias.
- Eating disorder.
Anxiety disorder
Anxiety disorder is a psychological disorder in which the individual suffering from it experiences uncontrollable and excessive fear of something which may affect the daily life routine of the individual. Almost all the persons on the planet experiences some anxiety at any instance of their life but people suffering from anxiety disorder experience it very often and may experience physical symptoms.
Psychological symptoms of anxiety disorder.
- Excessive fear of something.
- Fear which cannot be controlled.
- Repetitive episodes of anxiety attack.
- Physical symptoms of anxiety disorder.
- Chest heaviness.
- Shortness of breathing.
- Pain in chest.
Treatment of anxiety disorder.
- Treatment is completely based on the severity of the symptoms. Mild cases are treated without any medication.
- In mild cases counselling session provides great result.
- In severe cases it is treated with SSRI group medicines as well as counselling sessions.
Panic Disorder
A panic attack may be described as a disorder in which an individual experiences a sudden episode of intense fear of something which may trigger severe physical symptoms. Many people experience the panic attack once in their lifetime but when panic attack becomes a daily happening it is termed as panic disorder. A panic disorder may mimic heart attack, so a close diagnosis is required by the health care professional to differentiate between panic disorder and heart attack. It may have a triggering point or sometimes it comes without any known trigger.
Symptoms of panic disorder.
- Sudden episode of intense and uncontrolled fear
- Intense chest pain
- Shortness of breathing
- Pain in left hand
- Fear of dying
- Dizziness
- Shivering
- Shaking
Treatment of panic disorder.
- At first physical symptoms are managed using medicines.
- SSRI group medicines are prescribed.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
It is a mental disorder which in which an individual experiences multiple unwanted thoughts which may push the individual to perform repetitive behaviour.
Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Washing hands again and again.
- Have a check on position of every stuff in the room.
- Repeatedly checking the doors are locked or not.
Treatments of OCD.
- Mild cases are managed by counselling.
- Severe cases may require medications.
Phobia is a condition in which an individual avoids the stuffs which he fears from. Phobia can be categorised in many types
Acrophobia (fear of height)- this disorder makes an individual to experience excessive fear thinking about him being on a very high altitude.
Agoraphobia (fear of public spaces)- this disorder makes an individual to avoid public places due to fear of being ignored or humiliated.
Cynophobia (fear of dogs)- One having this phobia avoids dogs to get closer to them as dog bite can cause rabies infections.
Aquaphobia (fear of water)-Thinking about water can cause fear in many individuals.
Astraphobia (fear of thunder and lightning)- One avoids walking in open areas in rainy season due to fear of being hit by lightning.