Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD)

Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD)
Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD)

PCOD known as (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) is a medical illness that effects the reproductive health of woman. Every month a healthy Ovary produces one completely developed egg, whereas a female with PCOD releases multiple immature eggs which develop into cysts fluid filled sacs on the ovaries. Most probably PCOD occurs due to hormonal imbalance and irregular periods issue

Risk factors of PCOD 

  • Hormonal imbalance- Due to hormonal imbalance the ovaries expand and release a Lot of masculine hormones. 
  • Family history – Nowadays there are so many problems which occurs because of genetic issues. Sometime PCOD occurs due to the past family history it could be genetic. 
  • Lifestyle habits- Regular consumption of junk food, less physical activity, no meditation, smoking, consuming Alcohol this are the elements which can be the reason of (Polycystic Ovarian Disease).  
  • Higher Level of androgen- Androgen plays a most important role in female reproductive function. If the androgen in females exceed it can lead extra and unwanted hairs on face, Face pimples (Acne Breakouts), irregular periods, skin irritation. 
  • Irregular Periods- The consistency of periods is not on time or not that proper it could be the reason of PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease). The risk of PCOD increase if there is constant late in periods, it effects the cycle of our regular routine also, the direct impact of irregular periods is on your health also. 


  • Some common symptoms of PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian disease), Constant mood swings, Low energy, weakness, draining of three to five days ,if periods are less then 12 or under 10 periods per year , on the other hand it could be possible that your periods are more than 7 days it is one of the main indication of PCOD or Occurrence of Hormonal Awkwardness. 
  • Weight Gain- If womans are gaining weight more than their balanced weight it will increase androgen level in women and it can be the reason of occurrence of PCOD in womans.  
  •  Flaring of Pimples (Acne)- Unwanted pimples, skin allergies are also the indication of PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian disease). 
  • Hair Loss Issues Occurs – Hair loss is directly related to the PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian disease). 
  • Excessive hair loss from front zone and vertical area it can be the indication of Polycystic Ovarian disease. PCOD produce excess male hormones due to this the hair become thinner on top of the head due to constant rise in Androgen level then it converts in DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)and hair start falling faster.  
  • Extreme Pain & Cramps During periods – Extreme period cramps, back pain, is the sign of PCOD, when your periods are not regular extreme pain on body occurs getting irregular periods     it’s indication of PCOD. 

Treatment of PCOD 

•Diet Improvement /Healthy Food 

If you want to make your diet healthy there should be 60 ℅ vegetables and 30 ℅ protein and 10 ℅ other foods. Healthy food plan plays an important role to give relieve from PCOD and other health related problem also. 

Below listed diets can help. 

  • Brown rice, oats, spelt it will give vitamin B and E which helps in reproduction function, and hormonal balance. 
  • Protein like eggs, fishes, chickens, Moong Daal. It will give you sufficient amount of amino acid, which is good for muscles and for reproductive eggs. 

Regular Exercise 

  • Physical activity helps for your better function and for better peaceful sleep.  
  • Regular Exercising boost mood and you will start getting positive energy. Exercising will help to make your periods on time and regular. 
  • It will help you to stabilise hormones. 
  • It will also help to improve your body health and bone health, -Exercising is good for mind health. It helps to reduce anxiety and stress and give better sleep. 


Meditation is directly helps to mind stability, it will improve your thinking ability, it is directly related to your mind and heart it will give you peace, and your hormones start functioning smoother. 

  • It will help you to avoid emotional traumas and give you strength to overcome your problem. 
  • If your body functions properly it will definitely help you to avoid Polycystic Ovarian Disease. 

•Maintain Healthy Body Weight 

  • As you know that body weight plays an important role for making you feel better. 
  • Consuming more vegetables and food grains will help you to maintain weight. If there is no extra fat in your body, it will save your from so many issues related to Polycystic Ovarian disease. 

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